What is the Best Scenario to Reunite The Shield in the WWE?
By:Robb Johnson

The reuniting of Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins at Summer Slam was a special night for fans of the Shield. Who remembers when Seth Rollins went to the dark side and joined the authority? Well, that was then and this is now, the new WWE tag team champions seem to be boys again and that’s great. The problem is they are missing a certain “Big Dog” that was a huge part of the success of the group.
Sure all three men have won world titles since the group was disbanded, but lets be clear, The Shield as far as wrestling talent is the greatest group in wrestling history. The speed of Rollins, the hardcore style of Ambrose and the power of Roman Reigns are forces that we have never seen. The NWO had the names, the horseman had the style & flash, but The Shield is all substance and when we talk pure wrestling talent there is no comparison to our favorite groups of yesteryear.
The question is…Will the “Big Dog” join his brothers for a second run as the most dominate group in the world today or will the WWE look to go a different direction and continue too push Roman Reigns as a main event player. The way WWE creative has been going these days, it’s a great possibility that Reigns will not join The Shield again. The WWE is on the clock, they have to make light of this potential Shield reunion quickly before things become stale and the fans become disinterested in the story line.
I have put a short list together of replacements for Reigns that would make absolute sense and would keep the group relevant and could actually make them a bigger force than before. This list will be a top five and will go from five to one with an explanation to why this would be a great choice.
#5 Luke Harper

Luke Harper is a powerhouse that doesn’t need to do any talking, his power and brute force do all the talking for him in the ring. Harper is one of the most underrated big men that wrestling has ever seen. WWE has wasted so much potential with Harper that this could be a re-boot to his career and his power can equal to what Reigns use to be to the group.
#4. Drew McIntyre

I know some people are going to say why Mcintyre, hes in NXT and he’s the champion and etc. I say this young man has proven himself, and he was a victim of creative. He can fill the Shield role and be ruthless and could make the shield even more dangerous than they were before. Plus he’s hot right now and having that hot brand join a powerhouse could be gold for WWE.
#3. Apollo Crews

Again, I know folks are going to look at this and turn a blind eye. However, I want you to think about the power and explosiveness of Crews, what a change of attitude and a mean streak could do for his career. Crews has all the talent and the body to be a super star in WWE. The mic work is overrated, because we have seen guys win titles who had no business with less talent than Crews and bad mic skills. Crews could do great things along side Ambrose and Rollins and this could catapult his singles career after another eventually break up.
#2. Finn Balor

This makes sense from a perspective that right now Balor has a Bray Wyatt problem and the best way to bring a new Wyatt family in is to have a rivalry with the new Shield. The possibilities are endless when it comes to a potential Survivor Series showdown between these two factions and its money all day. The problem again is creative and will WWE do what makes sense and provide a product that will have people flocking to watch the PPV’s that have been average at best so far this year.
#1. The Miz

Why? If people really think about the Miz and his situation he works hard, he has improved in the ring and he kills his promos. I compare him to Sting when he got feed up and went to the dark side. I believe it’s time for the Miz to go to the dark side and not only go to the Shield, but make them big time heels and they can terrorize the WWE with ruthless aggression that nobody has ever seen from The Miz.
Miz has been angry for months now, and they can use that anger and make it the reason that he joined The Shield. This will also put him with Ambrose, and that combination would be interesting because you never know when the implosion might happen. The storylines are there to be taken advantage of, t just depends if WWE wants to do it.
I hope my wrestling fans have enjoyed this article and please when its shared on Facebook, I need people to like and start up a good conversation about the potential of a new Shield member.